April Twitter Chat Recap: #NeverStopLearning

April Twitter Chat Recap: #NeverStopLearning

PRSSA hosted their last Twitter chat of the 2020–2021 school year on April 12, 2021 at 9 p.m. ET. The session was co-hosted with Champions for PRSSA. Titled “Never Stop Learning: Transitions and Mentorship”, this chat cultivated discussion around the transition from student to professional and how to form impactful mentor-mentee relationships. Highlights can be found below or at this […]

How Mentors Guided GM Communications Coordinator to Dream Job

The difference between getting an internship at your top pick company and settling for one of your lower choices often comes down to knowing the right people. You’ve heard over and over again about the importance of networking and mentoring, but have you seen any real-life mentoring success stories? In a recent interview, Chris Bonelli, communications coordinator at General Motors, […]

Self-Leadership: A 3-Step Guide to Achieving Personal Success

Self-Leadership: A 3-Step Guide to Achieving Personal Success

By Mihaela Plugarasu and Heather Bermudez, APR J.K. Rowling, LeBron James, Serena Williams, Michael Jordan, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Walt Disney, Dr. Seuss, Steve Jobs, and other well-admired individuals, made the impossible the inevitable through their exquisite ability to self-lead. What do these leaders have in common? How did they beat all the odds?  There are immersive workshops, pilgrimages, self-care […]

A Juicy Q&A with the PRSSA 2020–2022 National Professional Adviser

A Juicy Q&A with the PRSSA 2020–2022 National Professional Adviser

Editor’s Note: The PRSSA National Professional Adviser is a two-year position held by an accredited public relations professional. The role serves on the PRSSA National Committee. PRSSA 2018-2020 National Professional Adviser Ben Butler, APR interviews his successor — Michael Cherenson, APR, Fellow PRSA — who will take the baton on June 1, 2020. I want to enact one last tradition […]

Women in Leadership in Public Relations: Karen Mateo, CCO, PRSA

Women in Leadership in Public Relations: Karen Mateo, CCO, PRSA

So, at this point, we all know (or hopefully should know) that there is a diversity problem in public relations senior leadership. Not only does this impact brands reaching target audiences, but it hinders the development of aspiring leaders and the future success of the industry. When there is no representation, it makes it harder to find resources and mentors […]

Learning the Intricacies of Social Media at PRSSAIC

Learning the Intricacies of Social Media at PRSSAIC

Erika Prime, digital and social strategy lead at Taco Bell, took us through her journey on getting to work for the infamous Taco Bell, influencer marketing and switching focus from millennials to Gen Z. Erika went to California State University, Fullerton and while in school, juggled two jobs and was genuinely excited to graduate to finally have a career. However, […]

Five Books to Add to Your Reading List from PRSSAIC

Five Books to Add to Your Reading List from PRSSAIC

The speakers at PRSSA 2019 International Conference shared their experiences and advice, but what specifically piqued my interest was their book recommendations. I’m always looking out for new books to read and this was the perfect experience to collect some titles of books for my professional development. Some were books that helped them grow professionally and some were books written […]

“I couldn’t think of a clever title, so this is it…” [PRSSAIC 2019 Session Recap]

“I couldn’t think of a clever title, so this is it…” [PRSSAIC 2019 Session Recap]

Sitting in a room bubbling with the eagerness of PRSSA students from around the world, enters Will Collie; husband, father and PR pro from Edelman Southern California – here to deliver the first keynote of the fun-filled weekend. Collie admits that, twenty years ago, he was where we are. After showing us a few amazing case studies from Edelman, such […]