Empowering Futures: My Nonprofit PR Intern Journey with the Boys and Girls Club

Empowering Futures: My Nonprofit PR Intern Journey with the Boys and Girls Club

Since June, I’ve had the privilege of serving as a social media intern for the Boys & Girls Club of Fullerton, California. My main focus has been capturing and sharing the organization’s vibrant moments. This experience has been inspiring, educational and has shown me the difference you can make in your community.  One of the most rewarding aspects of working […]

The Sky is the Limit: An Internship Experience with Delta Air Lines

The Sky is the Limit: An Internship Experience with Delta Air Lines

After completing my Global Communications Internship at Delta Air Lines, I find myself reflecting on an experience that has been both professionally enriching and personally transformative. From May through early August, I had the opportunity to work with Delta’s HR Communications team, and it was a plethora of learning, growth and unforgettable experiences. The Delta Experience One of the many […]

How to Build Your Confidence Without Work Experience

How to Build Your Confidence Without Work Experience

If you don’t have any or much work experience, chances are, you are likely to feel incapable and “unworthy” of landing an internship or even a full-time job. However, you may be losing sight of some experience or skills that could be classified as “relevant” for the opportunity you are seeking. Finding that competitive advantage even without a company name […]

The Nexus of Net Net Synergy — Interview with Matt Prince

The Nexus of Net Net Synergy — Interview with Matt Prince

A huge part of the public relations industry is giving back. Ever since the onset of the pandemic and the tumultuous year and a half since then, students studying public relations and communications have faced the bleakest job market since the Great Recession of 2008. In response to this, many organizations and professionals have stepped up to assist the next […]