Strength in Uniqueness: Navigating Anxiety as a BIPOC PRSSA Member

Strength in Uniqueness: Navigating Anxiety as a BIPOC PRSSA Member

Written for BIPOC Mental Health Month Before I started my journey as a PRSSA member, I started my public relations studies at the University of Minnesota carrying preexisting anxiety of being the only Black person in the room. I had conditioned myself to conceal my anxiety by exuding confidence, even though internally, I didn’t feel comfortable. For the first two […]

Intersectionality and Public Relations: My Practice and Perceptions as a Queer PR Professional

Intersectionality and Public Relations: My Practice and Perceptions as a Queer PR Professional

As a young queer PR professional pursuing a career in America, I feel privileged to say that I’m lucky to have an overall inclusive and supportive academic, social and work environment that allows me to accept and present myself in the ways that I’m comfortable with. It was not until my last semester of college that I decided to pursue […]

Becoming a Supportive Ally for the LGBTQIA+ Community in Today’s World 

Becoming a Supportive Ally for the LGBTQIA+ Community in Today’s World 

It is important for every individual to feel empowered in a community. Being an ally is essential in fostering an inclusive environment for everyone, including the LGBTQIA+ community. But the real question is: how do we become good allies in this society?  Being a good ally is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning, self-reflection, and action. These are a […]

When Stars Align: How a Chance Meeting Turned Into a Mentor

When Stars Align: How a Chance Meeting Turned Into a Mentor

Lost. Anxious. Deflated. Those are the words I would use to describe myself in April 2023, near the end of my sophomore year, when I concluded an unsuccessful summer internship search after completing over 150 applications and countless interview rounds.  Little did I know that attending a PRSA Chapter event would quickly change my negative sentiments. I attended the PRSA […]

Three Tips To Successfully Do Public Relations When You Have Autism 

Three Tips To Successfully Do Public Relations When You Have Autism 

Public relations is a field where you have to do your best to manage a company’s image. Whether it be through corporate social responsibility, organizing events, or social media management, you have a really important job. This job can be much more complicated if you have autism.  Autism can make you incredibly intelligent and talented. But it can also hinder […]

Letting Your Heart Lead: Lessons from 2024 Leadership Assembly

Letting Your Heart Lead: Lessons from 2024 Leadership Assembly

What do David Grossman, Laine Himmelmann, and Patrice Tanaka have in common? Aside from their remarkable leadership in the PR industry, advocacy for important causes, and speaking engagements at PRSSA’s 2024 Leadership Assembly, they all lead their professional lives with their hearts. In a world where many are driven by dollar signs and fame, these industry leaders offer us, as […]

Tips For Effective Conference Networking

Tips For Effective Conference Networking

Attending the PRSSA International Conference is one of the best steps a public relations/communications student can take to prepare for their career. I had the opportunity to attend ICON in 2021 and 2022 and, without a doubt, I wouldn’t be where I am today if it weren’t for everything I learned and everyone I met at the Conference. I’m sure […]