Death to “public relations”?

Though it could be considered as one of the oldest practices in the world, the term public relations has lived a relatively short life on the planet. Many have enjoyed using the phrase, and many more confuse the phrase with publicity, advertising, marketing and more. But it is truly going away? As the lines between advertising, marketing and public relations […]

Public Relations Practitioners and Journalists: Can’t we all just get along?

On October 29th, Chris Anderson, the editor in chief of Wired magazine wrote a rather spirited post about some public relations practitioners and calling them “lazy flacks” due to all the emails he had been receiving. What did he do in response? He posted close to 300 email addresses (many from Edelman, 5W Public Relations and other well-known agencies) and […]

Is Ethics in Politics an Oxymoron?

This is brought to you by the Vice Presidentof Advocacy, Brandi Boatner: Disclaimer: PRSSA is a non-partisan organization In the political arena, there are ethical considerations, actions and consequences political candidates must constantly face. How can public officials and political candidates maintain a commitment to ethical decision making? One suggestion is for them to adopt an ethics code. A unique […]

Is There a place for Ethics in Sports?

The following post is brought to you by Brandi Boatner, vice president of advocacy: The recent news stories involving ethical issues in the National Basketball Association, National Football League, Major League Baseball and professional cycling are threatening the reputation and integrity of their respective sports. The recent scandals have been ethical and moral nightmares for the commissioners and presidents of […]