National Assembly: Take Part in Deciding Next Year’s Leadership

PRSSA provides many opportunities for members to travel around the United States to meet other members and build a network. With the season of Regional Activities upon us, many Chapters have sent invitations, launched facebook group and event sites and more. Another opportunity, and the second yearly PRSSA national event, is the PRSSA 2008 National Assembly. This national gathering, though […]

Death to “public relations”?

Though it could be considered as one of the oldest practices in the world, the term public relations has lived a relatively short life on the planet. Many have enjoyed using the phrase, and many more confuse the phrase with publicity, advertising, marketing and more. But it is truly going away? As the lines between advertising, marketing and public relations […]

Public Relations Practitioners and Journalists: Can’t we all just get along?

On October 29th, Chris Anderson, the editor in chief of Wired magazine wrote a rather spirited post about some public relations practitioners and calling them “lazy flacks” due to all the emails he had been receiving. What did he do in response? He posted close to 300 email addresses (many from Edelman, 5W Public Relations and other well-known agencies) and […]