Seven Tips for Connecting With PRSA at National Conference

Seven Tips for Connecting With PRSA at National Conference

Welcome to Boston! You’ve traveled from near and far to learn from incredible speakers, make memories with old and new friends and expand your professional network. If you didn’t already know, October is also PRSA/PRSSA Relationship Month. The PRSSA National Conference is a great time to connect with PRSA because the PRSA International Conference is happening just down the street! […]

Why You Should Invest in #PRSSANC

Why You Should Invest in #PRSSANC

Attending the PRSSA 2017 National Conference is one of the best things you can do for your college and professional career. Between the professional development sessions, social networking events and more, you will have countless opportunities to grow personally and launch your future career. However, it can be difficult to make that initial investment of $310 (for members) to register. […]

National Conference Twitter Chat Recap: Countdown to Conference

National Conference Twitter Chat Recap: Countdown to Conference

Thank you to everyone who participated in our PRSSA 2017 National Conference Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts, National Conference Communications Coordinator Rachel McLean (tweeting from @rachelemclean) and Vice President of Digital Communication JaCey Yonke (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for next month’s Twitter chat!

50 Things to Do in the Next 50 Days to Prepare for #PRSSANC

50 Things to Do in the Next 50 Days to Prepare for #PRSSANC

With #PRSSANC officially 50 days away, it is time to start preparing for your trip to Boston! Check out these 50 things you should do in the next 50 days before Conference begins. Review the program online. Pick your “can’t miss” sessions. Follow speakers on social media. Plan your outfits — business professional and casual! Book your flight or plan […]