September Twitter Chat Recap #EthicsMonth: The Importance of Ethics in PR

September Twitter Chat Recap #EthicsMonth: The Importance of Ethics in PR

PRSSA hosted their second Twitter chat of the 2021-2022 school year on September 20, 2021 at 9 p.m. ET. Titled “#EthicsMonth: The Importance of Ethics in PR” this chat, hosted by PRSSA National and Kayla Holley, vice president of professional development, served as an insightful and informative discussion surrounding ethical practices in PR and how students can prioritize ethics now. […]

How The PRSA Code of Ethics Guides 6th Street Public Relations

Getting to be one of the only two PRSSA Nationally Affiliated and award-winning Student-run Firms in California does not happen overnight. At 6th Street Public Relations, we adhere to standards of PRSSA. Ethics Month is important for us because it is a reminder of our ethical responsibilities as an agency and public relations professionals. Throughout my time in the agency […]

Ethics FAQ

Ethics FAQ

What is the PRSA Code of Ethics and where can I find them? The PRSA Code of Ethics is “designed to be a useful guide for PRSA members as they carry out their ethical responsibilities.” They include the main tenets of the Code as well as Provisions of Conduct, which further explains each principle and scenarios that they may apply […]

The Ethics of the Equifax Hacking Scandal

The Ethics of the Equifax Hacking Scandal

Finance as we know it would not exist without credit and credit-reporting companies. The big three credit bureaus, Experian, TransUnion and Equifax, are some of the largest data providers in the world. These credit bureaus collect massive quantities of data to tell companies whether billions of people around the world are worth lending money. Simply put, if you are in […]

What Is the PRSA Code of Ethics?

One recurring question public relations professionals are faced with is, “Why do ethics matter?” Well, the PRSA Code of Ethics answers this question: Ethical practice is the most important obligation of a PRSA member. When practitioners launch their careers, they know public relations is not a ‘clock in, clock out’ job. It’s a job that needs attention at all hours […]

The Benefits of Joining PRSA

The transition from college to the real world can be really scary You now have to worry about paying bills,  finding a full-time job in your desired career field — the list goes on and on. One of the most valuable resources for young public relations professionals during this time is PRSA — PRSSA’s parent organization. PRSA was chartered in […]

Public Relations Pertaining to Lab Rabbits and Other Creatures

The beauty industry has seemingly taken over the world. Skincare and cosmetic industries have come a long way from humbly advertising Palmolive skin-softening soap to housewives across America in the Sunday newspaper. The rise and fame of content-creating beauty bloggers and vloggers (video-bloggers) in the past five years proves that these cosmetic and skincare companies are not the only voice […]