April Monthly Reading Round-Up — Crisis Communications, Creative Thinking, Al Golin, Spring 2017 Issue of FORUM

As we approach the end of the semester, it can be difficult to keep up with the latest news and trends. Luckily, the Progressions Monthly Reading Round-Up has you covered. Below are eight interesting articles you may have missed this month. Is Reactive the New Proactive? Author: Mike Popowski Publication: Ad Age Traditionally, an advertising budget is spent for an […]

February Monthly Reading Round-Up — Social Responsibility, Journalism Fights for Survival, Love Letter to Millennials, Super Bowl LI

It’s been a busy month to say the least, which makes it difficult to stay on top of industry news and trends. Luckily for you, the Progressions Monthly Reading Round-Up is here to help fill you in on what you may have missed. Below are eight interesting articles from this month. How to Weave Social Responsibility Into the Fabric of […]

The Millennial Preference for Companies Doing Well by Doing Good

With more emphasis than ever on the importance of corporate ethics, the millennial generation has motivated companies to start actionable, sustainable and transparent corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Millennials — people aged 18 to 35 — represent more than 25 percent of the U.S. workforce and are projected to make up 50 percent of the workforce in 2020, according to […]

October Monthly Reading Round-Up: The Future of PR, Emotions and Advertising, PRSSA 2015 National Conference

October is over and November is upon us. This means a few things: the PRSSA 2015 National Conference is almost here, we’re over the hump of the fall semester and a whole month of relevant articles has passed. But the Progressions Monthly Reading Round-Up is here to help. Below are eight interesting articles you may have missed: 1. RIP press releases, […]

September Monthly Reading Round-Up — PR Lessons from Drake and Chipotle, Every Day Ethics, An Epic List of Useless Words

September flew by in a blur and we’re venturing deeper into the fall semester. October is near but never fear, the Progressions Monthly Reading Round-Up is here. Below are eight interesting articles you may have missed: 1. 3 PR Lessons From The Brand Attack On Chipotle Author: Jonathan Salem Baskin Publication: Forbes What do you do when a non-profit group with […]

July Monthly Reading Round-Up — Burson-Marsteller Prepares for Cuba Market Entry, Lindsey Graham Shows You How to Destroy Your Phone, Millennials <3 Diversity

When did July end and August begin? Another month has passed and here are the top eight articles you may have missed: 1. Burson-Marsteller Launches Cuba Specialty Group Author: Tonya Garcia Publication: PR Newser After President Obama began opening up communication with Cuba, Burson Marsteller jumped at the opportunity to begin a Cuba Specialty group to “[provide] clients with strategic counsel […]

What Communications Executives Are Thinking About

What Communications Executives Are Thinking About

I recently attended the Arthur W. Page Society Spring Seminar as part of the Society’s annual case study competition in corporate communications. Page is a selective society for senior public relations and corporate communications executives who mostly represent Fortune 500s and the world’s largest public relations agencies. Aside from discovering that the New York Times’s most-shared story, the dialect quiz, […]

Lessons From a “New” New Professional

Lessons From a “New” New Professional

This post is part of a series of “Lives of New Professionals” guest posts for Progressions. Starting a new job as a new professional can seem a little scary. During my first few months as a new professional at Finn Partners, I’ve learned many things – about working in the social/digital space, engaging with consumers, contacting bloggers, writing content for […]