It’s been a busy month to say the least, which makes it difficult to stay on top of industry news and trends. Luckily for you, the Progressions Monthly Reading Round-Up is here to help fill you in on what you may have missed. Below are eight interesting articles from this month.
How to Weave Social Responsibility Into the Fabric of Your Company
Author: Molly Reynolds
Publication: Inc.
Millennials respond more positively to brands that incorporate social responsibility into their business model, so in order to earn the attention of young consumers, brands need to weave charitable giving into the fabric of their companies.
In a Disaster, Should Your Organization Stay off Social Media?
Author: Jessica Columbo
Publication: PR Daily
When disaster strikes, it is our job as communicators to advise companies and organizations how to respond to these events. How can our organization add value to the conversation surrounding the event, or make a difference afterward? And more importantly, when is it appropriate for the organization to stay silent?
Author: Curtis Sparrer
Publication: AdWeek
Sometimes we’re faced with the reality that there just isn’t any news. Now what? Public relations professionals are in a unique position to show a fresh perspective, take a new look at an old product and explore feel-good angles to get the coverage they want.
Journalism Fights for Survival in the Post-Truth Era
Author: Jason Tanz
Publication: Wired
Trust in the media is at an all-time low, advertising is down and fake news is on the rise. But we need great journalism now more than ever. As a result, news organizations are finding new ways to listen and accommodate readers, rather than telling them what to believe.
Author: Dave Remund, Ph.D, APR, Fellow PRSA
Publication: Culpwrit
Millennials have a bad reputation for a number of reasons. However, there are lots of reasons to love millennials, too. Read these reasons in a love letter penned by Dave Remund, Ph.D, APR, Fellow PRSA.
Author: Erica Cooke
Publication: Platform Magazine
Balancing school and extracurricular activities, applying for internships and still finding a minute to breathe is difficult. However, making friends who push you to succeed, finding the right balance that works for you and working hard today to get where you want to go tomorrow makes all the stress you feel now worth it.
The Best Super Bowl Commercials, From Avocados to Zelda
Author: Angela Watercutter
Publication: Wired
Super Bowl LI brought no shortage of celebrity appearances, tugged at the heart strings and displayed some good football. Check out some of the best advertisements from this year’s Super Bowl in this article.
The PR Man of ‘Hamilton’: Sam Rudy
Author: Drew Pendleton
Publication: Progressions
Read about the daily life of the publicist behind “Hamilton,” Sam Rudy.
These articles are gathered and submitted by the PRSSA National Committee, the Industry News Subcommittee and the PRSSA publications team as well as occasional contributions from members, so feel free to pass along interesting articles to the Publications Editor in Chief Krista Watson by email at
Krista Watson is a junior at Loyola University Chicago and the PRSSA 2016–2017 Publications Editor in Chief. Follow her on Twitter @watson_krista or connect on LinkedIn.