10 Tips to Effective Writing

There’s something to be said about the deliberateness of writing. I managed the weekly newspaper and co-hosted a sports radio show at my university. Despite covering a lot of the same stories between the newsroom and studio, I learned my insights and observations were much more profound in my written coverage. As a writer, you can trial sentences until one […]

Twitter Chat Recap — Quality Writing: The Cornerstone of an Effective PR Professional

Thank you to everyone who participated in our writing focused Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts, Shonali Burke (tweeting from @shonali), PRSSA National Publications Editor in Chief Emma Finkbeiner (tweeting from @efink101) and Vice President of Public Relations Nolan Miles (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for next month’s Twitter […]

May 2014 “Progressions Writing Prompt”

Have you ever wanted to contribute to a blog but were unsure what to write about? Want to enhance your writing skills and have the opportunity to get your personal blog recognized nationally by PRSSA? Participate in “Progressions Writing Prompts,” a monthly, writing exercise and contest held by PRSSA. How It Works: Each month a writing prompt will be posted […]

Read Up: Public Relations Blogs Every Student Should Frequent

Read Up: Public Relations Blogs Every Student Should Frequent

As someone enters the world of public relations, it is important to keep up on industry trends, consume media, and always be learning. In a field that is ever-changing, especially in our current digital-mobile era, blogs are a resourceful and convenient way to obtain desired information. Thousands of blogs focusing on media, public relations and marketing exist for those of […]