Have you ever wanted to contribute to a blog but were unsure what to write about? Want to enhance your writing skills and have the opportunity to get your personal blog recognized nationally by PRSSA? Participate in “Progressions Writing Prompts,” a monthly writing exercise and contest held by PRSSA.
How It Works:
I am participating in PRSSA’s “Progressions Writing Prompt” exercise for (month and year). To learn more, check out this post for details.
The June 2014 writing prompt is as follows:
For most public relations students, summertime means more than just working a simple summer job or lounging poolside. Are you interning? Working as a freelance consultant? Starting a new project? Reading a book or two? What are your summer plans to keep your professional profile in tip-top shape?
Remember that all answers are due to the publications editor in chief by Monday, June 30, 2014. Happy blogging!
This is really a great contest and I encourage every PRSSA member to participate at least once!