As someone enters the world of public relations, it is important to keep up on industry trends, consume media, and always be learning. In a field that is ever-changing, especially in our current digital-mobile era, blogs are a resourceful and convenient way to obtain desired information. Thousands of blogs focusing on media, public relations and marketing exist for those of all experience levels and personalities. Furthermore, each blog and blogger has a personality that they can express freely. This is what really draws me in about the blogging world and helps me choose the blogs I frequent.
A personal favorite of mine is NYC PR Girls. After reading this blog for two years and having them guest speak at my PRSSA Chapter, I can say it is worth reading. These two fabulous New York public relations professionals have a wealth of knowledge and take time out of their busy schedules to help anyone who asks them. This blog adds a lifestyle twist to all things you might encounter in public relations and, as the name suggests, is aimed more towards a feminine audience.
My second recommendation is The Future Buzz. I haven’t followed this blog nearly as long, but it has been so helpful to me and relates to my public relations interests. Blogger Adam Singer supplies readers with information on media, public relations, and interesting articles related to the industry. Similar to The Future Buzz style-wise is Flack Me, which is one of my recent finds. Both are simple and to-the-point, covering the top public relations stories and trends.
These days, everyone is busy, always working and glued to technology. While this is a big part of working in the media, it is always nice to have a little time away and to give ourselves time to relax. A recent post from Spin Sucks explains it well. Blog topics about professional development, trends and major news are posts I always enjoy, but I also like getting advice from people about being a better professional, as well as a better person.
PR Daily is probably one of the most popular public relations blogs. It is run through Ragan Communications and is a site that delivers news to those working in the industry. When I think of PR Daily, I think of quirky photos accompanying great ideas, stories, and information. If you would like to access a lot of content in one place it is definitely a great place to start.
Here are a few more blogs to check out:
PR Couture
The Buzz Bin
Brian Solis
30 Minute PR
6 a.m.
PR Breakfast Club
Rock The Status Quo
What public relations blogs do you enjoy reading?
Alex Homer is a senior, public relations major, nonprofit administration minor, attending Central Washington University. At CWU she is president of her PRSSA Chapter and an intern for CPORT, a campus recruitment office. Follow her on Twitter @AlexyWonderland or connect with her on LinkedIn.
Great list! I love Parties and PR! It’s run by PRSSA friends, Emily Langford and Rebecca Potzner. They are always sharing great quotes and tips for young professionals.
I’ve never heard of The Future Buzz or Flack Me. I’ll have to add them to my feed reader!
I would also recommend MediaBistro’s PRNewser, The PR Verdict, and the NYT Media section (it used to be called “Media Decoder,” but they’ve discontinued that blog).
I’m really excited to check out NYC PR Girls blog; the blog seems to be entertaining, rather than just another studious read. I’m pretty new to this PR blogging concept, but recently I have really enjoyed It allows new PR and old PR come together into a blog and it’s quite enjoyable!
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Thanks, Hannah! I have looked at Parties and PR as well, Emily is so great. I really enjoy their quotes section as well.
I havent had a chance to check out The PR Verdict but I will definitely take some time to read up on that as well! Thanks for your input, its always appreciated.
NYC PR Girls has been amazing! From talking to my chapter, to just giving me an iside perspective to PR life. While it is less on the studious side it is something that I have always really enjoyed reading and keeping up with. Thanks so much for your comments!
Nice post, Alex. I really enjoy Kirk Hazlett’s blog, “A Professor’s Thoughts” ( Even though Kirk has been doing this forever, he still offers a fresh perspective.
Another one I enjoy is PRNewser ( Patrick Coffee and Shawn Paul Wood write most of the articles I read; they are about as full of snark as one can get and still be professional! Love those guys. 🙂
Thanks so much, I will have to check those out.
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Great post, Thanks for sharing.
Nice Article. Keep Blogging.
Great Post, Thank you for Sharing a piece of very good information and pretty cool stuff about the branding and elevation of pages which is written in a beautiful way.