Tips for Acing the Job Search

Tips for Acing the Job Search

This piece is part of the new series, New Pro? No Problem: The PRSA New Professional Guide to Success. The fall semester may feel like it’s only just begun, but now is the perfect time to dive into your post-grad job search (or summer internship search, if you’re not yet a senior). Sure, May is still six months away, but there’s […]

Committee Confessions

Committee Confessions

It was Tuesday afternoon on October 2, 2018 and all across the country, the PRSSA National Committee was stirring. From Millersville, Pennsylvania to Athens, Ohio to Chicago, Illinois to Raleigh, North Carolina to Gainesville, Florida, phones lit up, suitcases remained empty and chaos ensued. Only one day before flying to Austin, Texas for PRSSA National Conference, the National Committee realized […]

Everyone is Networkable

Everyone is Networkable

“Network, network,network!” every single PR professor, practitioner and student passionately preached into my ear. In my freshman year of college, I heard this verb so much I nearly grew sick of it. Sure, I thought I already knew what networking meant: to ambitiously introduce oneself to new people, to forge new, beneficial connections. But it wasn’t until I began realizing […]

PeeR Mentoring

PeeR Mentoring

When you think of a mentor, you probably imagine someone established in their career with a keen sense of the PR landscape and a respectable list of connections. This past year, thanks to PRSSA, I’ve developed a different kind of mentor/mentee relationship—one with a peer and fellow Regional Ambassador. Lenie and I became fast friends after meeting in Boston for […]

What it Takes to Lead Change Effectively in an Organization [National Assembly Keynote Recap]

Session: Leading Teams Through Change and Transition Presenter: Victoria Trapp, Global Transition Manager, Nike Inc. Recap: Change is inevitable, but with the help of Nike Global Transition Manager Victoria Trapp, you can get through it smoothly and come out the other side energized and excited to move forward. Trapp spoke about recognizing the importance of change. She also mentioned that […]

City Series: Examining the Bustling Public Relations Industry of Nashville

Dynamic. Robust. Diverse. This is the public relations industry in Nashville, Tennessee. The city is well deserving of its nickname, “Music City,” inspired by its recording industry and the bounty of live music performances all around town every night. Nashville is music and so much more, and its public relations industry reflects this. It’s also a foodie city and known […]