District Conference Preview: The PoweR of Sports Media (University of South Carolina 2024)

District Conference Preview: The PoweR of Sports Media (University of South Carolina 2024)

The University of South Carolina’s PRSSA Chapter is incredibly excited to host the 2024 Southeast District Conference: The PoweR of Sports Media. The conference takes place in person on Feb. 16-17, 2024. The city of Columbia is united through university athletics. Students and Columbia natives all share one thing: a passion for supporting the Gamecocks. Athletic events allow people across […]

Ethics in Professional Sports

Ethics in Professional Sports

It’s hard to turn on ESPN these days without hearing the latest scandal that has surfaced in one of the main professional sport leagues. We’ve seen it in the NFL with Deflategate, many times in baseball with PED and steroid use and with former LA Clipper owner, Donald Sterling in the NBA. Yes, there seems to be an ethical dilemma […]

Using Sports as a Motive for Change [National Conference Recap]

Session: Opening Keynote Address Presenter: Allison Melangton, senior vice president, Hulman Motorsports Corporation Recap: You might not think that knitting and the Super Bowl go together, but Allison Melangton would disagree. Melangton, who currently works for Hulman Motorsports Corporation, has spent her career using sports as not only a method of entertainment, but also a motive for change. Melangton helped […]