What is the Edelman Trust Barometer?

What is the Edelman Trust Barometer?

Understanding the ever-changing web of opinions that forms our societal perceptions is essential to the art of public relations. Entry-level professionals and seasoned veterans alike engage in a continuous scramble to determine where their audience’s trust lies.  Edelman, one of the world’s leading public relations firms, has a long history of innovation in this category and developed a means of […]

Changing Your Outlook on Unfortunate Circumstances: The Importance of Flexibility in the Workplace

Changing Your Outlook on Unfortunate Circumstances: The Importance of Flexibility in the Workplace

Flexibility is arguably one of the most important qualities that a public relations professional can have. A PR professional must be responsive to changes in the news while generating content that captures these ever-changing stories. A professional must also be flexible in regard to changes in the workplace. I have recently come to appreciate the trait of flexibility after my […]

The PRSSA and Finn Partners Program Experience — Part 1

The PRSSA and Finn Partners Program Experience — Part 1

Last year, I wrote an article about how unpaid internships perpetuate the racial wealth gap inequity and therefore prevent the PR industry from becoming more diverse. To address this issue, PRSSA teamed up with Finn Partners to launch a two-day mentorship program for diverse members, called “Partners for Diversity: The Internship Preview.” The program aimed to expose students to various […]

A look into 1804 Communication- the Student-run Firm of Scripps PRSSA

The Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) has provided many amazing opportunities to students worldwide. A big part of PRSSA is the professional development members acquire from both the Chapter and its Student-run Firm. Student-run Firms are essential to the growth and development of students due to the hands-on learning experience. My passion stems from being involved in 1804 […]