How to Succeed as an Intern

In last week’s post, we discussed what you should be looking for in an internship. Even though not every internship you will come across meets the recommended criteria, the points we discussed should help guide you in your search. On the other side of internship success is you. Finding an internship is one challenge and the first hurdle a career […]

What To Look For In An Internship

Are unpaid internships better than paid internships? Is it better to work in an agency or a corporate setting? What kinds of opportunities will provide the most experiences? During the internship search, there are many different ways to gain public relations experience. Whether you’re working for a corporation, agency or nonprofit, internships are not likely to be the same and […]

The National Conference Experience

Eric Leist is the executive vice president of Boston University’s PRSSA Chapter. He is a junior majoring in public relations and minoring in business administration. Find him on Twitter and check out his e-portfolio. Watch more than an hour of video content recapping the National Conference on BUPRSSA’s YouTube Channel. Few events can pry college students away from flip-flops, t-shirts […]

PRSSA/PRSA Relationship Month

It’s easy to forget how large PRSSA is. It’s even easier to forget that PRSA makes our network even larger. That’s why October is PRSSA/PRSA Relationship Month. During this month, we encourage you and your Chapter to build your relationship with PRSA to improve your Chapter. So, what’s in a relationship? As the definition of public relations suggestions, relationships should […]