Differences Between Personal Image and Personal Brand: Impacting Through Knowledge / Differences entre imagen y marca personal: impactando desde conocimiento

Differences Between Personal Image and Personal Brand: Impacting Through Knowledge / Differences entre imagen y marca personal: impactando desde conocimiento

Versión en español En un mundo donde todo se mueve rápidamente y las primeras impresiones son cruciales, los términos “imagen personal” y “marca personal” suelen confundirse. En el área de las relaciones públicas es común escuchar acerca de ambos conceptos, pero ¿sabes realmente cuál es la diferencia? En este artículo hablaremos un poco de los conceptos, diferencias y cómo fortalecer […]

Becoming a Supportive Ally for the LGBTQIA+ Community in Today’s World 

Becoming a Supportive Ally for the LGBTQIA+ Community in Today’s World 

It is important for every individual to feel empowered in a community. Being an ally is essential in fostering an inclusive environment for everyone, including the LGBTQIA+ community. But the real question is: how do we become good allies in this society?  Being a good ally is an ongoing process that requires continuous learning, self-reflection, and action. These are a […]

Three Tips To Successfully Do Public Relations When You Have Autism 

Three Tips To Successfully Do Public Relations When You Have Autism 

Public relations is a field where you have to do your best to manage a company’s image. Whether it be through corporate social responsibility, organizing events, or social media management, you have a really important job. This job can be much more complicated if you have autism.  Autism can make you incredibly intelligent and talented. But it can also hinder […]

The Best Public Relations Practice is to Stay Away From Public Relations

The Best Public Relations Practice is to Stay Away From Public Relations

Okay, not really. But there are a lot of missed opportunities when public relations pre-professionals and professionals ignore other disciplines.  Diversifying your worldview. Communication and PR-focused education and resources give professionals and pre-professionals the outlets and technical skills to effectively communicate and organize messages. But other disciplines can help with understanding audiences that PR professionals are trying to reach.  One […]

We Get It, You’re Busy

We Get It, You’re Busy

As public relations professionals, we aren’t strangers to the idea of a busy lifestyle. We are constantly checking emails, staying ahead of industry trends and updating our very organized planners. And while we know how busy we are, it’s important to remember that others don’t have to. Why? Busyness doesn’t equal status. Where the notion of a leisurely lifestyle previously […]