As public relations professionals, we aren’t strangers to the idea of a busy lifestyle. We are constantly checking emails, staying ahead of industry trends and updating our very organized planners. And while we know how busy we are, it’s important to remember that others don’t have to. Why?
Busyness doesn’t equal status.
Where the notion of a leisurely lifestyle previously represented wealth and success, busyness has stolen the limelight. Today, studies show that if an individual is constantly busy, those around them tend to think that person is of a higher status, doing a better job and, ultimately, more coveted in the workplace. American culture perpetuates this idea and each year more individuals work through the holidays.
Humble-bragging won’t earn you respect.
Merriam-Webster defines a humble-brag as “when people make a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one’s admirable or impressive qualities or achievements.”
We’ve all heard “humble-brags.” Maybe someone was so busy on his vacation that he already needs another one or another couldn’t believe that an idea worked because she didn’t even have her morning coffee when she thought of it.
We understand. We all do it but we should stop.
Working has become an identity.
In American culture, after we meet someone for the first time, the next question is, “What do you do?” Without even thinking about it, we skip understanding someone’s personality and jump into learning an individual’s job and salary.
Does a job define who we are?
Not necessarily. But with a busy lifestyle, it’s easy for a job to become a large part of our lives. When weekday work begins to take over weekends, hobbies are placed on the back burner.
It’s an easy fix.
As an alternative, individuals should strive for authenticity instead of fake humility. It’s real and people will value your honest accomplishment.
In return, practice gratitude. Whether you want to admit it or not, there were others who helped you along the way. Your colleagues will understand your success and they will appreciate when you acknowledge theirs too. At the end of the day, we are all in the same competitive industry.
We get it — you’re busy. But so are we.
Hope Runyan is a senior majoring in public relations at The University of Alabama. She is currently a writer and editor for Platform Magazine, an online student-run publication that is sponsored by The Plank Center for Leadership in Public Relations. She is also a member of her school’s PRSA affiliated, student-run integrated communications firm, Capstone Agency. Follow her on Twitter and connect with her on LinkedIn.