Why the Champions for PRSSA Are An Invaluable Resource / Por qué los Champions for PRSSA son un recurso invaluable

Why the Champions for PRSSA Are An Invaluable Resource / Por qué los Champions for PRSSA son un recurso invaluable

At ICON 2024, I had the pleasure of recording a podcast with a great role model of mine, Gina Laughlin. Gina is the Vice President of Global Communications at Delta Air Lines and serves as a Co-chair for Champions for PRSSA. Her leadership, poise and passion for mentorship shines through in everything she does. You can listen to the first […]

PRSSA at ICON 2020

PRSSA at ICON 2020

This post is part of PRSSA’s ongoing ICON 2020 coverage. Be sure to check out our student recaps on Progressions as well as other coverage on PRSay, the official blog of PRSA. 2020 has proven to be a truly special year. Worldwide pandemic. Social justice. Disinformation. For future public relations professionals, a ton of uncertainty. ICON 2020, PRSA’s first-ever virtual […]

PRSSA to PRSA Transition [Leadership Rally Recap]

PRSSA to PRSA Transition [Leadership Rally Recap]

Congratulations! You’ve graduated from college but sadly, that also means you’ve graduated from PRSSA. You can’t help but think to yourself, what next? At the 2018 Leadership Rally in Scottsdale, Arizona, PRSSA National Faculty Adviser, Alisa Agozzino and PRSA Board Liaison, Michelle Olson discussed the structure of PRSSA and how to make a seamless and beneficial transition to PRSA. Dr. […]

Chatting with the Champions — Twitter Chat Recap

Chatting with the Champions — Twitter Chat Recap

https://storify.com/prssanational/chatting-with-the-champions-twitter-chat-recap#publicize   Thank you to everyone who participated in our event planning Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts Vice President of Career Services Demi Wolfe (@DemiWolfe62) and Vice President of Digital Communication JaCey Yonke (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Be sure to join us for next Twitter chat taking place in February.

May Twitter Chat Recap — Mentorship

Thank you to everyone who participated in our Mentorship Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts Brian Price (tweeting from @BrianDPrice) and Vice President of Public Relations Josh Lachica (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for the next Twitter chat! [View the story “May Twitter Chat Recap — Mentorship” on Storify]

Professionals and Students Make Champions for PRSSA a Two-Way Street of Mutual Career Benefits

One of my earliest career mentors (who also influenced my career-long involvement in Champions for PRSSA), David Bicofsky, taught me early on that effective mentoring is a two-way relationship between mentor and protégé. Thirteen years ago, we even co-wrote a Public Relations Tactics article on the subject, “Two Sides of the Mentoring Process,” wherein we each penned our perspectives on […]

How to Kick-Start a Relationship with Your PRSA Sponsor Chapter

The dynamic nature of the public relations profession, coupled with the current market saturation of recent and soon-to-be graduates, requires that students go above and beyond to create meaningful connections and make themselves stand out. One of the most valuable benefits of PRSSA membership is the opportunity to befriend and learn from local PRSA professionals. The relationship between PRSSA and […]

Intern Talk: Tapping Into the PRSA Network

Intern Talk: Tapping Into the PRSA Network

We all know learning doesn’t just happen in the classroom. And similarly, learning doesn’t just happen by interning. Becoming a young, successful professional requires a combination of things, including learning from experienced professionals. As a nod to PRSA/PRSSA Relationship Month, here are a few ways you should consider expanding your network to grow and learn as a future public relations […]

Take Advantage of the Hidden Gems of PRSSA Membership

The benefits of PRSSA membership are invaluable resources for students. Some of those benefits may go unnoticed by members. To make the most of your membership, don’t miss “hidden gems” such as the PRSSA Internship Center, PRSA Jobcenter, PRSA webinars and PRSSA scholarships and awards. PRSSA Internship Center The PRSSA Internship Center has several hundred internship opportunities posted from around […]