How To Incorporate Diversity Into Your Chapter Programming This Month

Happy Diversity Month! During November, PRSSA National will be providing many opportunities to join in on the conversation, but the learning doesn’t stop there. Here are a few ways to incorporate diversity into your Chapter meetings: Be sure to think holistically about diversity. When considering potential programming ideas during Diversity Month, it’s important to first remember all of the ways […]

Eliminating Public Relations Stereotypes — Starting With Ourselves

Our profession is full of people with diverse interests, hobbies, tastes and styles. However, quite often the general public views us as coffee-drinking, social media addicts who love talking to everyone, all the time. While many public relations professionals do love coffee and always have a smartphone in hand (How else will we Instagram that perfect latte design?), that is […]

Women CEOs Will Continue Breaking Through Glass Ceiling

Recently, an intriguing article was written about the future of women as CEOs.’s Dale Buss published a strikingly optimistic piece, citing statistics that claimed women in the C-suite would be more prevalent in the coming years. While reading a piece that answered questions instead of asking them was enjoyable, I noticed a disconcerting theme about the alleged shattered glass […]

The Importance of Mentoring Millennial Minority Students

Fewer than 20 years ago, virtually no books were available pertaining to the topic of workplace diversity. Journal articles on the topic were just as rare. Today, things have changed considerably. Hardly a day goes by that a national newspaper, magazine, blog or social media site doesn’t run a story on an aspect of the increasing diversity of the U.S. […]

Bridging the Gap: Five Tips to Harness Generational Diversity in the Public Relations Field

Bridging the Gap: Five Tips to Harness Generational Diversity in the Public Relations Field

This post is part of diversity series for Progressions. “Our generation will be the one hiring you someday,” my parents reminded me for the millionth time, slipping a final snippet of professional advice into our dinner conversation. We were discussing the controversial issue of tattoos and piercings in the workplace — and not making much headway — when I first […]

Looking Further Than Skin Deep

Looking Further Than Skin Deep

This post is part of diversity series for Progressions. Racial and ethnic diversity in the public relations field is paramount. Several agencies such as FleishmanHillard, Edelman, and PorterNovelli have programs dedicated to promoting racial and ethnic inclusion and celebrating individuality. But why should one need to know about other racial and ethnic groups? How does that affect public relations practitioners? […]

Diversity: Why Encouraging Differences Makes a Difference

Diversity: Why Encouraging Differences Makes a Difference

If you tend to avoid challenging conversations, awkward moments or uncomfortable situations, you’re not alone. Many people steer away from discussions about diversity because they want to circumvent the difficulty and discomfort these interactions often evoke. A high percentage of students I’ve asked about this issue agree that diversity is  important, but very few could easily articulate why or even […]

PRSSA [Podcast]: Recruitment and Membership Diversity

Recruitment is a key skill for every PRSSA Chapter to have. PRSSA Podcast host Austin Malcolm explores the importance of recruitment including membership diversity and helpful tactics to increase Chapter size. This podcast is joined by Regina Flanigan, University of Texas at Austin vice president of Chapter Development. How important is recruitment to your Chapter? What creative ways does your Chapter use to recruit? […]