Do not work in PR, be PR! 

Do not work in PR, be PR! 

René Descartes, one of the most important philosophers of modern thought, is famous for his phrase “I think, therefore I am”, but it is not a matter of temporal order, that first we do one thing and then another, but that the philosopher could replace “then” for “implies”, so, the correct formulation would be “we think and that implies that […]

2023 Leadership Assembly: Shaping the Future of PR Leadership

2023 Leadership Assembly: Shaping the Future of PR Leadership

Back in April, PRSSA held its annual Leadership Assembly, at the Embassy Suites in Scottsdale, Ariz. During the event, PRSSA leaders from all over the country gathered to network with peers, learn from PR industry leaders and participate in the voting process for the PRSSA 2023-2024 National Committee.  The opening night of the Leadership Assembly engaged students in a resume […]

The Best Public Relations Practice is to Stay Away From Public Relations

The Best Public Relations Practice is to Stay Away From Public Relations

Okay, not really. But there are a lot of missed opportunities when public relations pre-professionals and professionals ignore other disciplines.  Diversifying your worldview. Communication and PR-focused education and resources give professionals and pre-professionals the outlets and technical skills to effectively communicate and organize messages. But other disciplines can help with understanding audiences that PR professionals are trying to reach.  One […]

Intern Talk: Entertainment Industry (Part One)

Intern Talk: Entertainment Industry (Part One)

The entertainment industry is often one of the most sought-after for students and young professionals, motivated to be on the screen or behind the scenes. North America holds many of the largest media and entertainment markets, including sectors such as film, television, music and live events. But as a public relations student, where do you fit in? I reached out […]

Applying to Host a District Conference: Everything You Need To Know

Applying to Host a District Conference: Everything You Need To Know

Have you ever attended a District Conference? Has your Chapter hosted or considered hosting one? Next year could be your Chapter’s chance to host a District Conference!  The Interest Form to host a District Conference in 2024 is now open. In this article, you’ll find all the information you need to know about the application and selection process, as well […]

Changing the Conversation on Mental Health: Seizing the Awkward

Changing the Conversation on Mental Health: Seizing the Awkward

During this year’s PRSSA Leadership Assembly in Scottsdale, Ariz., attendees participated in the Leadership Training Session, “Changing the Conversation Around Mental Health.” It was conducted by Doreen Marshall, Ph.D., vice president of mission engagement of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP).   This was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness on such an important topic as mental health. Dr. Marshall […]

Inspirational Quotes from Emerging Leaders

Inspirational Quotes from Emerging Leaders

In April, I was honored to attend the PRSSA 2023 Leadership Assembly in Scottsdale, Ariz. The event hosted two official representatives from each Chapter and allowed us all to grow our individual leadership abilities.  One session I found particularly interesting was “Emerging Leaders.” It was an extremely engaging experience that provided various perspectives on leadership. Many of the skills that […]

From the Heart of Cairo to Sunny California: An Egyptian Student’s Journey into American PR at California State University Fullerton.

From the Heart of Cairo to Sunny California: An Egyptian Student’s Journey into American PR at California State University Fullerton.

In the 21st century, we are witnessing the collapse of global communication barriers. One such example of this is an international student from Egypt, endeavoring to comprehend the vast and complex media landscape of the U.S. and its nuanced public relations industry. Our protagonist in this tale is Dina Saad, a resolute and driven woman from Mansoura, Egypt. She starts […]