More than a Clothing Brand: Happiness Project

More than a Clothing Brand: Happiness Project

Jake Lavin is fighting against the stigma surrounding mental health with his successful clothing brand — Happiness Project. Lavin founded the company in 2017 as a Junior in high school after one of his classmates lost his battle with mental illness. Through his heartbreak, Lavin created a brand that donates to mental health organizations, provides educational resources and fosters an environment for difficult conversations. […]

Social Media Management for Niche Audiences

Social Media Management for Niche Audiences

How do you manage social media for a niche audience with limited content, resources and support?  In April 2022, I was thrown into the world of social media management. I was named the social media coordinator for the Division I Manhattan College Jasper Dancers. Going into my third year as a team member, I was excited to be a part of sharing the talent, strength and determination […]

How Serving on the PRSSA National Committee Has Helped Me Become the Leader I Always Aspired To Be

How Serving on the PRSSA National Committee Has Helped Me Become the Leader I Always Aspired To Be

I joined PRSSA as a freshman in 2021. During that year, I had the opportunity to serve as my Chapter’s events committee coordinator. I remember attending the webinars and in-person events we planned and feeling beyond inspired by the professionals that spoke there. I admired these leaders’ kindness, proactivity and confidence. If I worked hard and followed my passions, I […]

Effective Mentorship and Becoming an Impactful Leader: Advice from Ray Day

Effective Mentorship and Becoming an Impactful Leader: Advice from Ray Day

This past April, a number of leaders from PRSSA Chapters around the country and also some international Chapters came together for the 2023 Leadership Assembly. Throughout the weekend, student leaders heard from a variety of speakers. One of the events the students attended was a leadership training session featuring Ray Day.  Day is the vice chair at Stagwell. Before coming […]

All About the PSA

All About the PSA

Public service announcement: everyone has heard one. The famous title “PSA” is known throughout the world and has been a tool used to share important information for years. Public service announcements can be used for any type of topic. They range from important issues concerning the climate to silly cartoons telling children not to do something. Overall, public service announcements […]

Social Media’s Role in Public Relations

Social Media’s Role in Public Relations

Is social media part of public relations? Many people, even professionals, ponder what umbrella social media falls under. Is it public relations, advertising, marketing, or its own category? As a public relations student, you know that “public relations” and “social media” aren’t interchangeable terms, but what differentiates them? Social media plays an invaluable role in public relations, but not all […]