Break Into Sports With Public Relations

[highlight]The PRSSA 2012 National Conference was held in San Francisco from Oct. 12-16. Over the upcoming weeks, Progressions will provide summaries of select sessions and insights from the presenters. Want to write your own recap of a session? Contact Editor in Chief Ashley Mauder at[/highlight] Kicking off the first round of professional development sessions at the PRSSA 2012 National […]

PRSA And PRSSA Ethics Month Recap: “Encouraging Ethical Behavior”

Another September has come and gone, but that doesn’t mean ethics should. Just in case you missed it, I’ve rounded up September’s Ethics Month activities. Here is what took place:  Much of September focused on applying ethical standards globally. We saw it first in the PRSA International Ethics Twitter chat (you can find the transcript here) where PRSA and PRSSA […]

Ethics On The Clock

Ethics are a set of moral principles or a code of conduct that we choose to follow. We all have an ethical framework through which we live our lives; the extent of that ethical framework is what varies one individual from the next. Some of us hold true to more general ethical beliefs, such as the fact that it is […]

September Twitter Chat Highlights: “Encouraging Ethical Behavior”

We’d like to thank everyone who participated in the August PRSSA Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank co-moderators Vice President of Public Relations, Lauren Rosenbaum and Vice President of Advocacy, Zane Riley for leading the conversation. Join us on October 9 at 9 p.m. ET for the next PRSSA Twitter chat. Review highlights of the chat below. What did you learn from […]