Latino Voices for the Planet: A Global Challenge for a Sustainable Future / Voces Latinas por el Planeta: un desafío global para un futuro sostenible

Latino Voices for the Planet: A Global Challenge for a Sustainable Future / Voces Latinas por el Planeta: un desafío global para un futuro sostenible

“Be the change you wish to see in the world​.” ​This powerful phrase resonated with each of us when we decided to take part in the ​International Communications Challenge​ organized by PRSSA. The task was not easy: Raising awareness among the Latin American population about the risks of global warming and the importance of sustainability. However, our shared motivation to […]

Leading with Purpose: How Brands Can Harness Sustainability Through Storytelling

Leading with Purpose: How Brands Can Harness Sustainability Through Storytelling

Sustainability is no longer just a buzzword. It can be an essential part of a brand’s identity. Nowadays customers expect a brand to have greater transparency, responsibility and alignment with their values. Brands that lead with purpose — placing sustainability at the heart of their business models — not only stand out ​amongst the competition ​but also build stronger relationships […]

District Conference Preview: PRacticing Sustainability (Temple University 2023)

District Conference Preview: PRacticing Sustainability (Temple University 2023)

The Temple University Chapter of PRSSA is excited to announce the 2023 Mid-Atlantic District Conference: “PRacticing Sustainability.” This event will be taking place on Sunday, April 16, 2023, and will be held online via Zoom. The Conference will focus on the ever-changing concept of sustainability and how it affects our public relations practices. Some aspects of sustainability that will be […]

<strong>Promoting Ethical Tourism</strong>

Promoting Ethical Tourism

It’s time to hang up the fanny pack, lose the socks with sandals, and reframe the way we think about tourism. The pandemic revealed the tourism industry’s complicated influence on economic and environmental affairs. Globally, greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution dropped, and many popular destinations saw the restoration of ecological systems; however, we are still studying the economic impact […]

The Millennial Preference for Companies Doing Well by Doing Good

With more emphasis than ever on the importance of corporate ethics, the millennial generation has motivated companies to start actionable, sustainable and transparent corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. Millennials — people aged 18 to 35 — represent more than 25 percent of the U.S. workforce and are projected to make up 50 percent of the workforce in 2020, according to […]

How To Build Leaders Through Community Service

In the business world, we call community service social responsibility. However, it is much more than that — it is building leadership. Our field requires us to be strong communicators and advocates for the public good. We are often the influencers and changemakers in our society. PRSSA Chapters all over the nation are building leaders in their communities. For example, […]