October Twitter Chat Recap — Relationship Month

October Twitter Chat Recap — Relationship Month

https://storify.com/prssanational/october-twitter-chat-recap-relationship-month Thank you to everyone who participated in our Ethics Month Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts Immediate Past President Emma Finkbeiner and Vice President of Digital Communication JaCey Yonke (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Be sure to join us Nov. 14 for our publications Twitter chat.    

Seven Tips for Connecting With PRSA at National Conference

Seven Tips for Connecting With PRSA at National Conference

Welcome to Boston! You’ve traveled from near and far to learn from incredible speakers, make memories with old and new friends and expand your professional network. If you didn’t already know, October is also PRSA/PRSSA Relationship Month. The PRSSA National Conference is a great time to connect with PRSA because the PRSA International Conference is happening just down the street! […]

How to Kick-Start a Relationship with Your PRSA Sponsor Chapter

The dynamic nature of the public relations profession, coupled with the current market saturation of recent and soon-to-be graduates, requires that students go above and beyond to create meaningful connections and make themselves stand out. One of the most valuable benefits of PRSSA membership is the opportunity to befriend and learn from local PRSA professionals. The relationship between PRSSA and […]

Mentorship: Making a Difference by Modeling Young Minds

Having a mentor in the public relations industry is essential to success. Having a mentor, and being a mentor, can also be one of the most rewarding professional and personal experiences. Mentorship presents an opportunity for personal growth and professional development, but how are these relationships formed? Where can you find mentorship opportunities? What should a mentor embody? What value […]

Connecting Across Chapters: How to Host a Relationship-Building Workshop

It’s a new school year, a new executive board and a new start for every PRSSA Chapter. How can a Chapter spice things up to keep its members interested and engaged? The answer lies in what public relations students do best – communication. Or more specifically, communication between Chapter. The University of Alabama PRSSA Chapter hosted a region-wide leadership workshop […]

October Twitter Chat Recap: Standing on the Shoulders of Giants

Thank you to everyone who participated in our October 2015 Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts, Vice President of Professional Development Sarah Johnson (tweeting from @SJo_94) and Vice President of Public Relations Nolan Miles (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for next month’s Twitter chat! [View the story “October Twitter […]

Where to Meet Your Future Mentor

The end of October marks the end of this year’s PRSA/PRSSA Relationship Month. After connecting with your sponsor PRSA Chapters, I hope you fostered a better understanding of public relations in your local area while connecting with professional mentors. Now that you started, below are some more ways to meet public relations mentors Public Relations Classes While pursuing your degree […]