TU Invitational Conference Recap: Authenticity and Accountability Wins Votes 

TU Invitational Conference Recap: Authenticity and Accountability Wins Votes 

Among the highest and most powerful individuals in the government, there is someone in the background curating their image. They may not always be recognized but deserve the same amount of credit as the elected official.   Temple University’s Public Relations Student Society of America hosted its TU Invitational Conference on Saturday, April 6, 2024. This year’s theme was “PRoltics,” focusing […]

<strong>Connecting to Gen Z Voters</strong>

Connecting to Gen Z Voters

At a July 2016 campaign rally in Virginia, Democratic nominee for president Hillary Clinton told her audience to “Pokémon Go to the polls!”  Her reference was to the app Pokémon Go, a multiplayer game that went viral among young people earlier that year for its social aspects and interactive gameplay.  The presidential candidate was seemingly baffled by the lack of […]

Diversity and Political Communication: A Debt to be Paid

Diversity and Political Communication: A Debt to be Paid

Diversity tends to be approached with great caution from political communication professionals, but why? Personally, I believe that this is due to the fear that political parties have of losing voters if they take a position that may be controversial. This statement stands true not only when talking about problems facing the LGBTIQ+ community, but also when looking at people […]

Let’s Get Brexit Done

Let’s Get Brexit Done

After growing up in England, traveling Europe, being lucky enough to spend time in most of the world’s continents, and now living in America, I have been met with hundreds of questions about my culture. However, the topic on everyone’s lips when asking me about my British roots has recently been consistent…and that is ‘Brexit.’ “What does Brexit mean?” “What […]

PRSA Sections Series: Passion, Loyalty and Ethics are Key in Public Affairs and Government Public Relations

The Public Affairs and Government (PAG) Section of PRSA provides training and resources relevant to communicators in all levels of government and branches of the military, as well as those at counseling firms, corporations and associations who are responsible for communicating with various audiences on public policy or public safety issues. This Sections Series article was compiled by Gary Bridgens […]

Never Stop Learning: Another Lesson at the MSU 2014 PRSSA Regional Conference

Never Stop Learning: Another Lesson at the MSU 2014 PRSSA Regional Conference

The Michigan State University Public Relations Student Society of America Chapter kicked off Electing Excellence: Public Relations in Government and Politics, a Regional Conference hosted at the MSU Union on Saturday, Feb. 8. MSU PRSSA welcomed public relations professionals and PRSSA Chapters from Wayne State, Eastern Michigan University, and Illinois State University. While attending my first breakout session with representatives […]

Public Relations: When Two Worlds Collide

Communications students came to the nation’s capital on March 23-24 to learn the importance of traditional and new media in public relations. At the PRSSA Regional Conference, “When Two Worlds Collide: Bridging Online and Offline Communication,” speakers and panelists with backgrounds in politics, crisis communication, social media, nonprofits and more shared their stories and offered tips to help students face […]