The Nine Types of Public Relations Professionals: Using the Enneagram to Understand Your Strengths

The Nine Types of Public Relations Professionals: Using the Enneagram to Understand Your Strengths

If you are like me, you visited the PRSSA National Conference and looked around the room in awe. The people I met were so different from me, but we are all interested in the same profession. That, coupled with a recent discussion in my public relations class, made me curious about how different personality types interact with public relations. I […]

Eliminating Public Relations Stereotypes — Starting With Ourselves

Our profession is full of people with diverse interests, hobbies, tastes and styles. However, quite often the general public views us as coffee-drinking, social media addicts who love talking to everyone, all the time. While many public relations professionals do love coffee and always have a smartphone in hand (How else will we Instagram that perfect latte design?), that is […]

Welcome to the Wide World of Public Relations

What is a public relations professional? Are they communications specialists, practitioners, press secretaries, public affairs specialists, journalists, media specialists or publicists? The answer is yes – all of the above! These are all titles that can be synonymous with public relations. The diversity within the public relations industry is immense. From social media to event planning, to personal representation to […]

Managing Different Leadership Styles Within Your Chapter

As a new school year begins, PRSSA’s 312 Chapters in the United States and one in Argentina will have to adjust to new leadership, new visions and new expectations. Whether Chapter President, executive board member or regular member, you will face a learning curve figuring out each person’s leadership style, especially when planning events, hosting meetings and interacting with professionals. […]