Transforming Risks Into Opportunities When Moving to a New State Without Connections

With graduation quickly approaching, it is finally time to take a leap of faith into the real world and search for jobs. For many students, this means trying to find job opportunities in a different state. This can be intimidating when you have no professional connections in the city you are going to. We spent the last four years networking […]

Advice for PR Students Seeking Their First Job

There was a time when public relations positions used to be available for almost anybody who wanted them. Few people were sure exactly what public relations was and standards weren’t high. Today, the situation is far different. As public relations has become more enticing to liberal arts students, lawyers, journalists and others, positions have become more competitive Today when an […]

True Life: I’m a PR Student Living in a Non-Traditional Public Relations Setting

Close your eyes and envision yourself living out your dream public relations job. Ready…Set…Go… Do you see yourself strolling the streets of New York? Residing in a downtown high-rise? Having the world at your fingertips? Becoming the next Olivia Pope or Samantha Jones? As a profession that’s depicted to be glamorous, demanding and media-driven, public relations opportunities are predominantly offered […]