Tools That Every New Chapter Should Know About

Photo courtesy of Ashley Vickney

Congratulations, you’ve been granted a charter to become a Chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America! You and your team have worked for this, and after the initial excitement passes, you realize that it’s time to get to work. As a new Chapter, there is a long list of things to do on top of what regular Chapters do. Here are some tools to assist with your transition. 

1.Google Drive: This is a well-known tool for many college students, but here are ways that you might not have thought to use it.

Google Forms: Chapter officer applications, feedback surveys and new member information can be submitted through an easy-to-use Google Spreadsheet.

Google Docs: Use this to create agendas to share with everyone. Upload the PRSSA Chapter Handbook and other relevant material. Create a handbook of university services easily accessible to the entire Chapter. Upload the Chapter’s goal statements and contact information for all of the Chapter’s advisers and officers. Create and upload meeting minutes for easy access.

Google Presentation: Create Chapter presentations for each meeting so that members who can’t make it can view key points along with reading the meeting minutes.

2. Wunderlist: This app is made for all devices and allows Chapter officers to share to do lists for various projects. This is helpful because when one member makes a to do list for a project, or remembers something to add, every other person who has access to the list also gets updated.  As a new Chapter, there is always something to be done or a new idea to add to an agenda. Since college students are always one the go, this app is an efficient way to stay connected with other officers and on top of tasks for your new Chapter.

3. SlideShark: As a new Chapter leader, you will be recruiting members from almost everywhere and pitching your new Chapter to university faculty. With SlideShark, you can present a recruiting PowerPoint on your iPhone or iPad without losing all of the bells and whistles. This app will enhance your well-rehearsed elevator pitch.

4. PRSA Ethics App: This resource is probably the most important of them all. As you lead your new Chapter, this app can help guide you. You should be constantly asking yourself if your goals and decisions align with the PRSA Code of Ethics. Are you leading by example? This app can help keep you in check.

Sidenote: While these apps and tools are great, don’t forget about the actual people who are here for you! The National Committee loves to answer your questions and help you guide your new Chapter. Feel free to connect with them at any time throughout the year.

What has been your biggest challenge as a new Chapter, and which tools did you use to solve it?


Ashley Vickney is the founding president and immediate past president of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Chapter of the PRSSA. When she isn’t building her empire, you can find her reading and traveling. Connect with Ashley on LinkedIn , follow her on Twitter @ash_vickneyPR or email her at

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