Tailoring your resume to each position you apply for may seem like a daunting task. But a few simple things can help you perfect your resume for different internships or jobs. Follow these tips to create a resume that will always stay at the top of the pile of applicants.
What do you include in your resume? What advice do you have for those creating their first resume?
This is a guest post written the Vice President of Professional Development Jessica Noonan and designed by FORUM Design Editor Sarah Thacker.
Even better, use a tool like re.vu to help you do this. It worked for me and can for you too. Here’s the sample that convinced me: http://re.vu/BarackObama
This is great. I know our chapter member always want to know how to craft the right résumé. Thanks for the post!
Hey! Could you give a few examples as to what the ‘ eye catching easy to read header’ would say?
Great advice! I’ve also heard that it’s important to put your relevant experience at the top instead of education. Since most employers are looking for your qualifications/expertise rather than what you did in college. Just a side note.
Thanks all, glad it was helpful!
Shruthi – If you have any graphic skills I would consider putting your own logo at the top, or making your name bigger than the contact information just to make it stand out!
Amanda – Definitely a matter of preference, but I would say it’s best to leave it at the top until after graduation. That way employers understand any gaps in your experience.
Thank you Jessica and commenters for this wonderful information. I really need to get working on my resume and this post was almost like a sign :-)! Thank you for providing the visual; those always help me out. I can’t wait for our Chapter’s resume workshop. PRSSA is a great help and I love what they have to offer. Looking forward to reading more 🙂
This is a great list of tips.
I especially want to highlight the importance of putting your online presence on your resume. You can only fit so many words on a resume but when you show a potential employer ways to find and connect with you online, you allow yourself the opportunity to showcase your skills.
If they are looking for you online then you know they have an interest!
Joey V. Price, MS, PHR
Author: Never Miss the Mark, Career Search Strategies from HR Pros
CEO: Jumpstart:HR
Thanks Abigail, glad it was able to help! Thanks for pointing that our Joey, excellent point!
We had an agency tour that gave us the same tip about putting our resumes in PDF format. One of the best pieces of advice I think I’ve ever gotten. I need to work on the white space in mine though… it’s hard not to cram! =)
I like this Infographic, and it’s great information. I was just taught, and use, a different order. But that’s just me.
This is great! When I first wrote my resume I never knew the correct format because I’ve been told that there is no right or wrong way to do it. But this post really helps! I like how it is pointed out the use of actions words when describing what one has achieved, that is very important to get what one has accomplished across. Also, I never thought to put an eye-catching header at the top of my resume. I just have my name and information in bold letters at the top, but I am definitely going to change that. Lastly, I was also told to change my resume into a PDF, so I like how that is noted here!
For me Infographics is more helpful short and easy to understand rather than reading a long article. 🙂
Excellent job.