Earn Recognition and Educational Funding through PRSSA National Awards and Scholarships

Earn Recognition and Educational Funding through PRSSA National Awards and Scholarships

During her time as a member of the PRSSA Chapter at Indiana University Bloomington and the 2011-2012 FORUM Editor-in-Chief, Amy Bishop won many awards and scholarships. The following are her tips for submissions to win awards and scholarships in a Q&A format. Q: What awards did you receive while in PRSSA? A: The Stephen D. Pisinski Memorial Scholarship, the Betsy Plank/PRSSA […]

Q& A with PRSA 2013 Chair and CEO Mickey G. Nall, APR, Fellow PRSA

This interview excerpt originally ran in the January issue of PRSA’s Public Relations Tactics. Read the full interview. What are the top challenges that PRSA faces in 2013? Advocating for the profession remains a challenge.  We’ve made huge inroads with our advocacy program in the past four to five years.  The advocacy work that enhances the value of public relations […]