AP Style Quiz #4
Test your AP Style skills this month with our latest quiz!
Advancing the Profession and the Future Professional
Test your AP Style skills this month with our latest quiz!
Internships serve as an important stepping stone in a young professional’s career. They offer you valuable experience and insight, preparing you for your post-grad journey. But how do you search for such an experience? For me, the internship search illuminates a mixture of excitement and anxiety. It’s as if you have endless yet limited possibilities all in one. Embarking on […]
There are many important things to consider when applying for an internship or job. There are the basic requirements like salary and location but there is another important piece to the puzzle—company culture. Many people emphasize the importance of company culture; however, few people know how to find the right one. Get to know yourself. Knowing yourself will make it […]
Thank you to everyone who participated in our Career Development Month Twitter chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank our co-hosts, PRSSA National Vice President of Career Services Sarah Dougherty (tweeting from @sarahgdougherty) and Vice President of Public Relations Josh Lachica (tweeting from the @PRSSANational account) for guiding the conversation. Please be on the lookout for next month’s Twitter chat! [View the story “January Twitter Chat […]
As communications professionals, we’re sure you’ve heard it before — your network is everything. So, what is a network? By definition, a network is “an interconnected or interrelated chain, group or system.” You likely already know that your network is comprised of the professionals you meet throughout your life at conferences, trainings, happy hours, etc. What you might not have […]
Though it’s only January, you should be on the look out for summer internship opportunities. Some internship deadlines have already passed, but you still have time, so start looking now! If you’re not sure where to begin searching, check out the sources below: If you’re a due-paying PRSSA member… The Internship Center is an exclusive benefit for dues-paying PRSSA members, […]
Everyone needs a mentor. There is no doubt that mentorship has positive lift for young and old, job seekers and career ladder climbers, students and teachers, managers and individuals. I have often argued that not only are mentors valuable, but a variety of mentors is perhaps the best path to objective, savvy and smart advice for both the good and […]
One of my earliest career mentors (who also influenced my career-long involvement in Champions for PRSSA), David Bicofsky, taught me early on that effective mentoring is a two-way relationship between mentor and protégé. Thirteen years ago, we even co-wrote a Public Relations Tactics article on the subject, “Two Sides of the Mentoring Process,” wherein we each penned our perspectives on […]
This January, PRSSA is hosting its first-ever Career Development Month. Everything this month revolves around one central theme: “Launch Your Career.” As public relations pre-professionals, we are all eager to learn and network in these formative college years so that when it’s our time to enter the workforce, we’ll do so successfully. Whether you’re looking to launch your career by […]
For the typical college student, the beginning of the spring semester is a chance to relax before the stress caused by midterms and class projects. While you’re relaxing, take the time to start preparing to apply for summer internships. While some application deadlines have already passed, many have deadlines early in the spring. Taking steps to ensure you are prepared […]