PRSSA/PRSA Relationship Month

It’s easy to forget how large PRSSA is. It’s even easier to forget that PRSA makes our network even larger. That’s why October is PRSSA/PRSA Relationship Month. During this month, we encourage you and your Chapter to build your relationship with PRSA to improve your Chapter. So, what’s in a relationship? As the definition of public relations suggestions, relationships should […]

Interns Caught in Ethics Scandal

In case you missed the uproar this weekend, Techcrunch, a popular technology blog that often reports about bad public relations practices, posted a story that alleges a public relations firm uses its interns to post positive reviews on the iTunes app store for clients. According to Techcrunch, interns monitor message boards and gauge online communities —fairly common for interns working […]

Get Active Now

This is a guest post from Jarrett Cocharo, a senior at the University of Alabama and PRSSA member. Jarrett is also the PRSA summer intern, which he earned through a PRSSA award. Have you had one of those life moments where you can recall every single detail? You remember the smell of the room, the people around you, what was […]

Issues Facing the Profession

Last week, the Counselors Academy, a PRSA Professional Interest Section, released survey results discussing the top three issues facing the profession. Check out the PRSA release describing the survey and how it was conducted. Also, for reference, the full results of the survey can be found here. According to the survey, the top three issues facing the profession are “providing authentic strategic counsel,” “demonstrating […]

PRSSA Leadership Rally

The following is a guest post from Alyssa Bronikowski, PRSSA Chapter President at DePaul University. She is also a blogger and you can find her blog, “PR Thoughts From An Undergrad,” here. Last week, PRSSA Chapter Presidents and executive board representatives traveled to sunny Scottsdale, Arizona, to attend the 2nd Annual PRSSA Leadership Rally. The theme for this year’s rally […]

A Preview of the Coming Year

Since the PRSSA Blog launched in 2006, some major topics have been covered – from PRSA defending the profession to transparency and even the death of public relations. Now, approaching the third year of its existence, I’d like to take the blog to the next level with your help. Here are some things we’ll be working on this year: Sharing […]