I Got 99 Problems but a Pitch Ain’t One: Tips for Proper Pitching to a Publication

Whether you’re pitching the media on a story about your client’s next big campaign or trying to publish your masterful 3,000-word feature story, there are a few things you should know before you hit send on that email. Do Your Research This step is of the utmost importance. Don’t pitch to a publication you know nothing about. Learn about the […]

How to Pitch PRSSA Membership

How to Pitch PRSSA Membership

PRSSA offers invaluable professional development opportunities geared specifically toward public relations students. Although more than 11,000 students are part of the Society, there are still many students who could find great value in PRSSA but have yet to join. Here are four key tips to help you pitch PRSSA to potential members. Consider it an opportunity to practice pitching for […]