The Mystical World of LinkedIn / El mundo místico de LinkedIn

The Mystical World of LinkedIn / El mundo místico de LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a very valuable platform for students. It offers networking opportunities, the ability to build a personal brand, aiding in the job search and so much more! It may seem like a platform that is made for established professionals, but there is so much to gain from utilizing LinkedIn as a student. Even though it might seem daunting, as […]

National Assembly Day-of Competition: No Expectations Leading to High Reward

National Assembly Day-of Competition: No Expectations Leading to High Reward

When I first received the email about the Day-of Competition for National Assembly, I had no idea what I would be doing or whether I even had the skills to participate, but I figured, “Hey, why not?” For the Day-of Competition, we were placed into groups of four to five students from various PRSSA Chapters throughout the country and given […]

Three Ways to Prepare for the PRSSA 2019 International Conference

Three Ways to Prepare for the PRSSA 2019 International Conference

The PRSSA 2019 International Conference is an event that brings communications students from around the world together for professional development and networking. Attendees will have the opportunity to participate in numerous sessions that will shed light on current topics and trends in the field of public relations. In addition, students will be able to attend general sessions at the PRSA […]

Connect, Link and Dream. Reasons Why You Should Have Created a LinkedIn Yesterday

Connect, Link and Dream. Reasons Why You Should Have Created a LinkedIn Yesterday

As a junior in college, I still run into people daily who don’t see the need for a LinkedIn profile. “I’m only a junior,” they say. “I’ll do it next year.” Here’s what I have to say about that —  while they’re setting up their LinkedIn profile 365 days from now, I’ll be starting a job I had planned months […]

Kick-Start Your Career [National Conference 2018 Session Recap]

Kick-Start Your Career [National Conference 2018 Session Recap]

Session: Kick-Start Your Career: Tips From New Professionals Presenters: Gemrick Curtom, Consultant, GC Communications Hanna Porterfield, Account Manager, Development Counsellors International Robyn Rudish-Laning, Senior Marketing Manager, Airports Council International-North America Mia Simon, Public Relations Coordinator, Methodist Health System Recap: In this session, past PRSSA members who are now PRSA members gave advice on entering their careers following graduation from college. They […]

Everyone is Networkable

Everyone is Networkable

“Network, network,network!” every single PR professor, practitioner and student passionately preached into my ear. In my freshman year of college, I heard this verb so much I nearly grew sick of it. Sure, I thought I already knew what networking meant: to ambitiously introduce oneself to new people, to forge new, beneficial connections. But it wasn’t until I began realizing […]