April Twitter Chat “Becoming a New Pro” Recap

April Twitter Chat “Becoming a New Pro” Recap

Thank you to everyone who participated in our April PRSSA Twitter Chat! We had many new participants from PRSSA and PRSA for this month’s “Becoming a New Pro” April Twitter Chat. Specifically, we’d like to thank co-moderators Amy Bishop tweeting from @PRSANewPros and the Vice President of Public Relations, Lauren Rosenbaum, tweeting from the @PRSSANational account.   [View the story “April 2013 Twitter […]

Transitioning: The Journey From PRSSA to PRSA

When I started my college education at Boston University, I knew I wanted to be a public relations major. I immediately became involved in PRSSA, working in particular with Regional Activities (now known as Regional Conferences). I eventually became President of my Chapter, then Vice President of Regional Activities on the National Committee. I considered PRSSA the best part of […]