Rising from the Ashes: How Western Washington University’s PRSSA Chapter Was Revived in 3 Months

Rising from the Ashes: How Western Washington University’s PRSSA Chapter Was Revived in 3 Months

Winter break of my sophomore year marked a pivotal moment in my college journey. Nestled on the couch with my laptop, I stumbled upon the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) website. A wave of excitement surged through me. “How am I just now discovering this?​”​​ I thought. The Society’s name sounded vaguely familiar, sparking memories of Western Washington […]

Why You and Your Chapter Should Volunteer

Amid the ambitious agendas of Chapters, Student-run Firms and committees, the scales of time tip and downtime becomes a distant memory. Throughout the course of the year, the need to re-energize, refocus and reconnect becomes essential to success. What is the best way to motivate members and make a significant impact? Volunteer. Volunteering epitomizes the PRSSA mission of enhancing education, […]

City Series: Public Relations Industry Booming in the Silicon Hills of Austin

When one thinks of the state of Texas, images of cowboy boots, “Friday Night Lights,” and the best brisket you’ve ever tasted come to mind. While Austin does have all of the above, it has become the Boomingest Big City of all, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. With events such as South by Southwest (SXSW), “Austin City Limits” (ACL), […]