Latino Voices for the Planet: A Global Challenge for a Sustainable Future / Voces Latinas por el Planeta: un desafío global para un futuro sostenible

Latino Voices for the Planet: A Global Challenge for a Sustainable Future / Voces Latinas por el Planeta: un desafío global para un futuro sostenible

“Be the change you wish to see in the world​.” ​This powerful phrase resonated with each of us when we decided to take part in the ​International Communications Challenge​ organized by PRSSA. The task was not easy: Raising awareness among the Latin American population about the risks of global warming and the importance of sustainability. However, our shared motivation to […]

Social Media and Global Citizenship: Navigating Responsibility in the Digital Age

Social Media and Global Citizenship: Navigating Responsibility in the Digital Age

In the era of interconnectedness facilitated by social media, the concept of global citizenship has taken on new dimensions. Individuals around the world are increasingly grappling with their responsibility toward addressing pressing global issues such as wars, natural disasters, social injustice and poverty. Moreover, the role of social media in fostering global solidarity and awareness cannot be overstated. But how […]



Hasta ahora las Relaciones Públicas son tomadas como una simple cortesía por parte de los comunicadores, la profesión se sigue “vendiendo” como una simple fachada para quedar bien ante otras empresas. Es momento de cambiar esa perspectiva. Muchos de nosotros, en algún momento, pensamos que las Relaciones Públicas son el simple ejercicio de vender una imagen para que el público […]