Announcing PRSSA National’s Newest Campaign — #ThisIsPublicRelations

There’s a misconception in our society about public relations. Most people don’t know what it is, so their conceptions of the profession are all over the place. All public relations students have experienced that awkward moment when you’re stumbling over your words at the family Thanksgiving table trying to explain how public relations has evolved beyond “spin.” Maybe people’s ideas […]

Ethics Every Day: Defining Ethics

September means four things: classes have resumed, the leaves are beginning to change, football season is back and Ethics Month has arrived. PRSSA Ethics Month is a month dedicated to bringing awareness of ethical practice to public relations professionals through webinars, Twitter chats and blog posts. This year’s theme is Ethics Every Day. As public relations practitioners, it is our […]

Diversity Beyond the Looking Glass

We often throw the term diversity around. Whether it’s in our Chapters, internships or classes, the concept is always being discussed and rightfully so. However, these conversations never seem to go further than the search for diversity, and the definition is never touched. Defining Diversity Even reputable dictionaries don’t provide substantial definitions for diversity. For example, defines diversity as […]