Changing the Conversation on Mental Health: Seizing the Awkward

Changing the Conversation on Mental Health: Seizing the Awkward

During this year’s PRSSA Leadership Assembly in Scottsdale, Arizona, attendees participated in the Leadership Training Session, “Changing the Conversation Around Mental Health,” conducted by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention Vice President of Mission Engagement Doreen Marshall, Ph.D. This was an excellent opportunity to raise awareness on such an important topic that communication professionals have to be aware of. Ms. […]

My Journey with FINN Partners: Embracing Diversity and Gaining Invaluable Insights

My Journey with FINN Partners: Embracing Diversity and Gaining Invaluable Insights

The FINN Partners Program for PR and Diversity focuses on educating and training both new and existing employees on the significance of diversity and inclusion while providing guidance on how to effectively implement these principles in their work. The program aims to actively engage with the broader PR industry by sharing best practices, stories, and thought leadership, inspiring others to […]

Women’s Rights Activist Promotes the Value of Ethics 

Women’s Rights Activist Promotes the Value of Ethics 

On Sept. 8, 2022, our PRSSA Chapter at Jacksonville State University collaborated with the National PRSA Board of Ethics to host the iconic Lilly Ledbetter to speak about the ethical implications associated with her campaign for the Fair Pay Act, which was signed into law on Jan. 29, 2009, as the first piece of legislation passed under President Obama’s first […]

<strong>PRSSA Latin American Competition 2022: Rising PR Talents from Latin America</strong>

PRSSA Latin American Competition 2022: Rising PR Talents from Latin America

The second annual PRSSA Latin case study competition, The International Communication Challenge 2022, took place this past October. Having started in 2021, this annual competition assembles the PRSSA Latin Chapters to work together and apply their PR knowledge to create and implement a public relations campaign.  This year’s case study was hosted by Universidad de Medellín (UdeM) from Colombia in partnership […]

<strong>The Spirit of Delta </strong>

The Spirit of Delta 

Delta Air Lines’ COVID-19 vaccination campaign, “Protected together. Connected together” exceeded its objective by 20%. The campaign gave a glimpse into airline crisis communications. Airline public relations is not the most popular career amongst young PR students, but maybe it should be.  Delta Air Lines, named to J.D. Power’s Best Airlines list in 2021, has many opportunities for PR professionals […]

Motherhood Empowers Women to Succeed in PR 

Motherhood Empowers Women to Succeed in PR 

I stared down at the two thick lines on the stick of plastic in disbelief. Positive. Though my symptoms over the past few weeks had already confirmed my suspicions, I couldn’t quite believe I was pregnant — again. A million thoughts raced through my mind, but one blasted through all the others: How on earth was I going to finish […]

<strong>The Future of Public Relations Must Be Inclusive </strong>

The Future of Public Relations Must Be Inclusive 

As public relations professionals, it’s our job to understand our audiences well. This means understanding consumers on a personal level; but how could you possibly understand an individual who comes from a completely different walk of life?  While the answer to this question isn’t always easy, our generation can commit to improving the PR industry by seeking and supporting more […]

<strong>The Disadvantage that can become an Advantage: The Dyslexic Voice</strong>

The Disadvantage that can become an Advantage: The Dyslexic Voice

Going back to the third grade, the teacher passes out a piece of paper and tells the class that we will have a timed writing assignment on the chapter we just read. For the average student, this might be scary, but doable. For a student who has dyslexia, however, this task seems impossible.  Timed writing is difficult for students with […]

Using PR To Help Others

Using PR To Help Others

Public relations is often confused with marketing and advertising. Although there is much overlap between these groups, public relations is often overlooked, and its benefits are forgotten. One aspect of PR that must never be forgotten, however, is its ability to help others. Many clients are often looking to spread the word about an important topic. As a PR professional, […]