Greetings from the first ever PRSSA International Regional Conference in Lima, Peru! This conference, held from April 19-20, was one that truly embodied the South American spirit while maintaining public relations principles. From the technological set up, to the Peruvian style lunches, to the presenter tables set up outside the conference theytruly delivered a conference unlike any we have seen so far.
The speakers were truly inspiring from their Professional Advisor, Patricia Bobadilla, to Estela Roeder with government topics, to the panel of professionals. The speakers were diverse and spoke on a different number of topics bringing new ideas to the table. It was very inspiring to see how topics in public relations are taught in South America.
Public Relations texts were also provided at no cost to the students. These discussed a wide range of areas including communication topics and models all in Spanish. Bringing the use of the Spanish language to PRSSA is going to motivate students to learn the language and it will become an asset to them as they move forward in their careers.
This conference was also filled with students from Peru, Argentina, Colombia and the United States. Although this was the first conference in Lima, there was a substantial amount of students present, comparable to conferences held in the United States. These students promoted insightful discussion stemming from the speaker’s presentation and they had a drive to use public relations in a way that serves their countries in Latin America.
To the Universidad de San Martin de Pores, we give you a huge thank you. You received the students from the United States so humbly and treated us so kindly. Every detail that we were unsure of, you already had planned out. Take a step back to congratulate yourselves for a job well done. PRSSA has come so far and seeing such amazing things happening within our South American chapters needs to encourage us to put even more attention into our Chapters in those other countries.
Primera Conferencia Internacional Regional de PRSSA en Lima, Peru
Saludos de la primera Cofenrencia Internacional Regional de PRSSA en Lima, Peru!
Esta conferencia fue celebrada la semana pasada del 19-20 de abril, fue una conferencia que envolvio verdaderamente el espiritu de America del Sur mientras que mantuvieron a los primcipios de las relaciones publicas. Desde la tecnologia, los almuerzos peruanos, la presentacion, la organizacion de las mesas, los presentadores y los peruanos verdaderamente deliveraron una conferencia como nunca habiamos visto.
Esta conferencia estubo llena con exclusividad con topicos de parte de los presentadores donde verdaderamente inspiraron su profesionalismo, Consejera Profesional Pataricia Bobadilla, Estela Roeder con sus topicos de Gobierno y el panel de profesionales. Los panelistas deliveraron diferentes topicos y trajeron nuevas ideas. Fue muy inspirador como los topicos en Relaciones Publicas son ensenados en America del Sur.
Los textos en Relaciones Publicas tambien fueron proveidos libres de costo. Esto discutio una gran parte incluyendo las areas en los topicos y modelos todo en en espanol. Trayendo uso del lenguage en espanol a PRSSA va a motivar a los estudiantes a aprender el lenguage y los ayudara a crecer en sus carreras.
En esta convencion hubieron estudiantes de Peru, Argentina, Colombia y Estados Unidos de America. A pesar de ser la primera conferencia en Peru, hubo un gran numero de estudiantes presentes a comparacion con las conferencias de los Estados Unidos. Estos estudiantes promovieron grandes discucioes de las presentaciones por parte de los panelistas y han usado las relaciones publicas en una forma para servir a sus paises en America Latina.
A la Universidad de San martin de Porres, le damos las gracias grandemente. Ustedes recibieron a nuestros estudiantes con humildad, amabilidad y los trataron muy bien. Todos los detalles ya ustedes los tenian planeados y preparados para nosotros. Den un paso atras y felicitencen por la labor bien realizada. PRSSA a llegado muy lejos y esta observando cosas maravillosas las cuales estan sucediendo en nuestros capitulos de America del Sur. Esto nos tiene que motivar a poner mas atencion a nuestros capitulos en esos otros paises.
Laurie Vazquez is a senior at Indiana University Northwest. She is IU Northwest’s Intern Queen Campus Ambassador. She is also apart of Phi Alpha Theta, Phi Xi Psi, Phi Theta Kappa, the National Society of Leadership and Success, PRSSA, Student Alumni, and Indiana University Northwest Cheer.
Congratulations to our daughter Laurie Eve Vazquez. Job well done as always. Best wishes
on your future plans and keep God first and you’ll never walk alone.
Love you, Mom and Dad