How to Be a Great Chapter Member – No Leadership Position Required

DePaul University PRSSA members shout it out at Roll Call during the 2014 National Conference. Participating in National events is just one way to benefit from a PRSSA membership as a general member. Photo courtesy of PRSSA.

As the new semester starts, Chapters around the nation will be welcoming new members and returning members alike. If you’re new or returning and are not currently holding a position, here are some great ways to be a great general member:

1. Ask questions and participate in discussions

Many Chapters invite speakers to meetings, and there is usually time for questions. Stand out by asking a well-thought out question. You can ask questions during or after their presentation. Also, during Chapter discussions on ethics or other topics give your opinion and ask questions about the topic so you are able to form an opinion if you don’t’ have one already.

2. Attend events

If you attend as many events as possible and interact with other members you are not only networking but also building friendships. Bonding with your fellow PRSSA members and meeting PRSA members will not only enhance your network but your college experience as well. You might even find a mentor at one of these events!

3. Volunteer

Raise your hand for everything you have the time and energy to commit to. Volunteer to help plan an event, work on a project or gather information. Volunteering can lead to other opportunities in your Chapter or in the community.

4. Participate in National events

This can mean everything from participating in the monthly Twitter chats to attending the National Conference. National events are a great way to meet other members and build friendships with others who share your passion. They are also great ways to increase your knowledge of the industry and interact with PRSSA members and professionals from different parts of the country.

5. Share your ideas

If you have a great event idea, blog post to write or new way to do something in the Chapter, tell someone! Then volunteer to help plan the event, write the post or help implement the new system.

Remember that you don’t need to be in a leadership position to reap the benefits of your PRSSA membership.

What are you looking forward to this semester in PRSSA?

Ashley Vickney is the founding president and immediate past president of the University of Wisconsin Green Bay Chapter of the PRSSA. When she isn’t building her empire you can find her reading and blogging. Connect with Ashley on LinkedIn , follow her on Twitter @ash_vickneyPR or email her at

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