How To Survive Post-Grad Changes

By senior year, a glimpse of the real world begins to creep its way into your collegiate life. In the second semester, you may be experiencing sheer panic because the glimpse is now a bright and blinding light beaming down on you. Do not close the curtain because now is your time to shine.

You might have spent this semester contacting your academic adviser on a weekly basis just to be reassured that you will be graduating. With a definite yes in mind, feelings of mourning, fear, relief and excitement have probably begun to surface. Embrace it because life as you know it is about to change.


The following are transitions you could experience as a senior about to graduate, along with tips on how to navigate the professional world:

1. Moving to a New City: If you’ve decided to move to a new city to start you career, congratulations! Let me be the first to tell you that you are brave. Stay confident in knowing you made the right decision and connect with new roommates, neighbors and co-workers to ease the process. Explore your opportunities and become a PRSA Associate Member to become acquainted with fellow professionals in the area.

2. Making New Friends: Remember how easy it was to make friends in high school and college? This time it’s more of a challenge. Post-graduation, you spend more time with people at your job than anyone else. This is a perfect opportunity to make friends, especially those with similar aspirations as you. Sometimes all it takes is meeting one person who can introduce you to their circle of friends. Stay social and not just through social media.

3. Adjusting to a New Routine: In a few months you might be part of the working world and will only have a limited amount of free time. My advice is to take advantage of this free time while you can. Take the time to read more books, volunteer in the community or ramp up your exercise routine. Don’t forget to pursue additional opportunities outside of work that help fuel your passions.

4. “Working” Through It: If you have not landed your dream job, don’t worry; there is still plenty of time and doors that have not been opened yet. Put your power suit on, make that entry-level job exciting and use it as a platform to obtain the skills you need for your dream job. Remember to continue networking because you never know who has that one connection you’re looking for.

You might have envisioned a different life after college, but know that it can take time for things to fall into place—and that’s okay. Be positive and continue to work hard and you’ll be able to effectively deal with change.

How do you deal with change?

Ashley Piroeff is a senior at Penn State-Brandywine majoring in corporate communications with a focus in healthcare. Her recent PRSSA membership has provided her with the tools to market herself and showcase her skills as an individual to public relations companies. Connect with Ashley on LinkedIn.

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