As students and pre-professionals, we’re told how important it is to network with experienced practitioners; however, connecting with your peers from other Chapters may be just as beneficial.
I have learned so much by networking with PRSSA Chapters from across the country at PRSSA National events and local Chapter mixers. Here are a few benefits of connecting with members of other Chapters:
For some members, the closest Chapter could be many miles away. However, the glorious thing about modern technology is that you don’t need to be face-to-face to connect. Co-hosting Chapter Twitter Chats, Skyping with another Chapter during meetings or, if you’re a Chapter president or student-run firm director, emailing a quick question to the PRSSA Google Group are all great ways to reach out to other Chapters. In turn, you will better your own Chapter and create lasting relationships with other young professionals who value PRSSA just as much as you do.
How have you connected with other Chapters? What is the biggest benefit that you find from peer networking? Share your experiences in the comments below.
Chelsey Rodowicz is a senior majoring in interpersonal communication and international relations at the University of Delaware and was the 2012-2013 president of her PRSSA Chapter. She edits and writes for her university’s honors program blog and holds a position on the college’s Student Advisory Board. Her public relations interests lie in the technology and hospitality industries.