An Inside Look to nycPRGirls: Personal Lessons on Juggling Life, Work and Responsibilities

Multitasking is one of the hardest learned skills. Between juggling clients, your personal life and any outside responsibilities, it is easy to feel overwhelmed. While I have a fulltime job, I am also a co-founder of the blog nyc PR girls ( alongside Meg, a best friend of mine I met during my first official job out of college.

We created the blog for several reasons, but one of the main reasons was to create a place that would inspire and bring together young upcoming professionals looking for real world advice. My dreams growing up were always to work in the big city in public relations (can’t deny that I was influenced by Samantha Jones from “Sex and the City” a bit) but while I was in college, there really wasn’t a place for me to go to learn more about what to expect and how to get there.

Meg and I created just that. We use the blog to document our day-to-day experiences and give as much advice as we can along the way. Blogging comes with a lot of responsibility and is a huge commitment, much more than I ever imagined. We write posts weekly, coordinate site formatting, update all of our social networks, check and follow-up on emails plus much more.

Many often question how we juggle both the blog and our fulltime jobs. While our blog work is done outside of work hours, here’s how I keep my head straight and learned how to juggle responsibilities.

  • Write everything down. And I mean EVERYTHING. Bucket your tasks by category (i.e. personal, blog, client) and check off the list as you go.
  • Mark your calendar. Keep it up to date with meetings and bucket your time for responsibilities. Devote an hour to developing that client recommendation.
  • Give yourself deadlines. Even if you know something doesn’t have to get done until the end of the week, give yourself a personal deadline to finish it ahead of time and get it off of your plate.
  • Prioritize. Schedules often shift based off of deadlines or client needs. Don’t let it throw you off and reorganize your schedule for the rest of the day.
  • Use downtime to do what you love. While I love my job, I’m also extremely passionate about blogging. Downtime immediately after work or early in the morning is spent on blog activities. At the end of the day, it’s rewarding and gives me time for my personal life at night.
  • How do we keep our Twitter conversation going? Schedule tweets – one of Tweetdeck’s best gifts.

Along the way, we’ve interacted and heard from so many public relations students and professionals. We thank all of our supporters and would love to hear from you if we haven’t already. Don’t be afraid to tweet us, Facebook us or drop us a note.

Founded in January 2011, nyc PR girls is a lifestyle blog centered around the lives of two girls, Adrianna and Megan, working and exploring New York City. Fun-loving, stylish and a bit quirky, the nyc PR girls blog aims to encourage young professionals to go after their dreams and work for the careers and lives they’ve always wanted. Connect with them on Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook.

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