How To Ensure Success Through Leadership Transitions

Now that the semester has come to a close, many Chapters have elected new officers to take over the reins and continue the progress of the previous year.

Here are a few tips to make the transition as smooth and successful as possible.

So you elected your new executive board … what’s next?
  • Complete the officer update form and send the new officer information to Headquarters. Be sure to communicate the new contact information with your Advisers, university officials and your sponsoring PRSA Chapter.
  • Prepare items to be passed on to successors; utilize the CHART guide to pass along important information like Chapter history, accomplishments and records to ensure a smooth transition. Don’t forget University documents, National and Chapter bylaws, professional contacts and speakers, membership rosters and job descriptions.
  • Hold a transition meeting to talk through positions with old and new executive board. Let the new and old executive board work together to create a task list for the year.
The new executive board is in place … what’s next?
  • Set goals for the new semester. Prioritize goals and set deadlines for them. Delegate tasks amongst officers to ensure each goal is reachable.
  • Make time to bond as a new executive board. A retreat is a great way to become more familiar with each other’s work style and your capabilities. Read through the PRSSA Chapter Handbook to spark new ideas and share information. An updated version of this guide will be available on the PRSSA website in August.
  • Create a plan for the upcoming semester. Decide which fundraisers you plan to hold to raise money for Conference, scholarships and Chapter expenses. Also, review and refine your Chapter branding and connect with your PRSA sponsor Chapter.
  • Finally, discuss your Chapter’s budgeting needs for National Conference. This will be a great learning and bonding experience for your Chapter members.

Now that you’ve made it through the transition, continue to plan activities and recruit leaders to maximize Chapter growth.

How does your Chapter transition new leaders? What tips do you have to ensure the success of a new leadership team?

This is a guest post by the Vice President of Chapter Development Kendall Schmidt.

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