Many members join PRSSA for the spectacular opportunities to network with extraordinary public relations professionals and legends in PRSA. Every October, members from both Societies come together to emphasize the importance of networking and gaining professional insight during PRSSA/PRSA Relationship Month.
The good news is that it is easy for your Chapter to get involved. Follow these tips to have a successful Relationship Month!
Each school must be partnered with a sponsor Chapter and Professional Adviser as part of their charter requirements. If you aren’t in contact with your sponsor Chapter, use this online tool to search for it. Consider planning a group trip to your sponsor Chapter’s next event, inviting PRSA members to your Chapter or Skyping PRSA professionals during your next meeting.
Work with your fellow PRSSA Chapters to organize an event with the sponsor PRSA Chapter. Planning a workshop, an agency tour or even a happy hour can create networking opportunities with professionals, introduce members to other PRSSA students and provide event-planning experience.
A great perk of being a PRSSA member is access to PRSA benefits, including the PRSA member directory where you can look up mentors or employees at companies to which you are applying. Be sure to take advantage of these benefits to get an all-encompassing membership and optimize your relationships with PRSA members.
For more relationship tips, refer to the newest version of the PRSA/PRSSA Relationship Manual and join in on our #PRSSA Twitter chat at 9 p.m. EST on October 25. If your Chapter has a successful relationship with PRSA, consider applying for the Dr. F.H. Teahan Chapter Awards Program for PRSA/PRSSA Relationship.
How has your Chapter collaborated with PRSA? What advice would you give to members reaching out to PRSA professionals for the first time?
This is a guest post by Vice President of Professional Development, Jessica Noonan.