Ways to Enhance Your Membership Value (Part Two)
During the summer, we posted about how to increase the value of your PRSSA membership to get the most for your money. This time around, we found that since it’s a different time of the year, you have different opportunities to participate in and further add value to your membership. Here’s a checklist of things you can do before completing the year:
- Attend a Regional Activity with members of your Chapter. These regional events provide members with professional development and networking opportunities.
- Find an internship with the help of JobCenter, PRSSA’s database of internships. Recent postings include opportunities all over the country.
- Pursue a PRSSA leadership opportunity and build your resume with the opportunities that will arise.
- Attend the PRSSA Leadership Rally this June.
- Apply for upcoming scholarships and awards. PRSSA awards approximately $20,000 each year to members. Take the time to apply and if you earn an award, you’ll reap monetary rewards and the prestige of national recognition.
- In case you skipped the previous bullet, apply for scholarships and awards. Who can’t use some extra cash and a point of honor these days?
- Submit Chapter News to the PRSSA Web site and earn national recognition while adding a writing sample to your portfolio.
- Participate in a PRSA teleseminar.
- Attend a Regional Activity in another state. Even if you already attended an event nearby, try and broaden your horizons, meet new people and try out a new area.
- Check out FORUM’s new Web site and enjoy the free content.
- Reach out to a PRSSA Champion and expand your network.
- Participate in the FUNdraising Bowl and potentially earn two free registrations to the PRSSA 2010 National Conference in Washington D.C.
- If you’re graduating, don’t forget to join PRSA as an associate member.
- Mentor a young PRSSA member. You might be surprised at how much you learn.
How else do you recommend making the most of your membership? Anything to add to the list?
All great points! My favorites are #5 & #6! lol. I would add:
1) Develop relationships with the local PRSA and their board members through quality programming.
2) Help other schools establish a PRSSA Chapter or encourage them to join PRSSA through the PRSSA Affiliate Program.
I am really glad that you guys compiled this list! I am a PRSSA Member but I have to admit I am not very active. I only attend a meeting every now and then, but these reasons have reminded me of the importance of keeping up with PRSSA! I also forgot just how many opportunities there are within PRSSA.