What is the Edelman Trust Barometer?

What is the Edelman Trust Barometer?

Understanding the ever-changing web of opinions that forms our societal perceptions is essential to the art of public relations. Entry-level professionals and seasoned veterans alike engage in a continuous scramble to determine where their audience’s trust lies.  Edelman, one of the world’s leading public relations firms, has a long history of innovation in this category and developed a means of […]

Public Relations and Influencers – Name a More Iconic Duo

Public Relations and Influencers – Name a More Iconic Duo

Influencers have been the cool kid on the corporate block since 2004 but US companies have been slow to keep up with basic influencer etiquette. In October, Forbes released yet another article about the influencer pitfalls that trap many social media managers. These pitfalls can be avoided by understanding the fundamentals of influencer culture. Edelman’s 2017 Trust Barometer reported that […]

What’s Your Take on the H.P. Case?

On August 9, 2010, The New York Times published an article discussing allegations that Hewlett-Packard CEO Mark V. Hurd had sexually harassed a coworker and falsified business expenses. According to the article, the H.P. board of directors turned to their public relations representative, an employee at the APCO public relations firm, for counsel. The practitioner said that “H.P. would endure […]