Using Public Relations to Advance Student Affairs Activities

Using Public Relations to Advance Student Affairs Activities

The Student Affairs Department at Middle Tennessee State University (MTSU) defines student affairs as, “educational partnerships and academic support programs that promote student learning and help students integrate academic development and personal growth.” Student affairs professionals apply public relations without even knowing it. An advising center typically will host an event to encourage students to schedule an advising appointment. A […]

What Diversity on Campus Means to You: Kent State PRSSA

What Diversity on Campus Means to You: Kent State PRSSA

It seems like diversity is one of the hottest topics right now — and it should be. It’s important to interact with people from diverse backgrounds whose opinions differ from your own. For the 40,000 students that make up Kent State University’s eight campuses, diversity unquestionably plays an important role. Since the Kent State student body comes from a multitude […]