Essential Habits of a Public Relations Professional for a Nonprofit

Essential Habits of a Public Relations Professional for a Nonprofit

For the majority of burgeoning public relations professionals, the idea of embarking in a career in the nonprofit sector sets off mental alarms complete with whirling sirens and flashing lights. They conjure up images of spending their days in severely understaffed offices with barely enough funds to pay for that month’s rent, of stretching limited resources to their maximum capacity […]

Sports Programs to Non-Profits: A Q&A with PRSSA 2013 National Conference Presenter Rae Bazzarre

Sports Programs to Non-Profits: A Q&A with PRSSA 2013 National Conference Presenter Rae Bazzarre

Director of Communications and External Affairs for the LIVESTRONG Foundation, Rae Bazzarre, will be sharing her wisdom at the PRSSA 2013 National Conference in Philadelphia. Bazzarre has been in the field for more than 15 years and has achieved numerous professional milestones. This communications “titaness” has collaborated with the United States Congress, foreign governments and international companies across five continents. […]